Universal Rocks no Bouwblog Wildlands Adventure Zoo Emmen
A Universal Rocks está a participar como subcontratada da empresa Joravision no projecto Bouwblog Wildlands Adventure Zoo Emmen, que está a ser desenvolvido na Holanda.Acompanhe o desenvolvimento deste grande projeto na página oficial do facebook do Bowblog Wildlands Adventure Zoo Emmen.
Universal Rocks builds statue of D. Afonso Henriques.
In homage to the Portuguese birthplace city, Universal Rocks, located in Ronfe, Guimarães, builds the third statue of the first King of Portugal. The artwork is a replica inspired by the original statue created by Soares dos Reis, located in front of the Paço dos Duques de Bragança in Guimarães. This replica stands over 4 meters tall and is the latest statue of the first King of Portugal, proudly made and gifted by Universal Rocks to the Vitória de Guimarães club. We can admire this magnificent piece at the entrance of the D. Afonso Henriques Stadium in Guimarães.
Another great project successfully completed at Phantasialand.
Klugheim is the name of the trendiest attraction when it comes to the best European Multi-coasters. With a medieval setting and ambiance, Klugheim offers a journey back in time along with the adventure of two roller coasters, RAIK (boomerang Coaster), and TARON (High-speed Coaster). The latter is considered the finest and one of the fastest Roller Coasters in Europe due to the speed and immersive scenery it provides. For two years, the Universal Rocks team of 30 talented artists was part of this magnificent project, creating approximately 30,000 meters of artificial rock. Universal Rocks themed this area by reproducing Basalt mountains, historical buildings, and a significant part of the scenery of this epic village, which is said to have fallen victim to a volcano. Having achieved 6 world records, Klugheim opened its doors last June to bring more mystique and adrenaline to the bravest visitors at Phantasialand, who patiently waited about 5 hours in queues to visit this village. Klugheim is eagerly awaiting your visit. World Records Taron Raik